Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌──[ Customized Onliners v1.0 *FREEWARE ]──┐
│ A great looking Oneliners, PCBoard [PPE] │
│ PPE.   Features a filter to remove those │
│ trouble causing PCB @-macros, as well as │
│ on-the-fly @-color code interpretation.  │
3001_USM.ZIP (4K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌[Uploader String Modifier v1]┐
│ 100% Configurable Uploader  │
│ Name Modifier For PCB 15.2! │
│ ■ Switch The Boaring "Up- ■ │
│ ■ Loader: Name" DiZ String■ │
│ ■ To A User's Own String! ■ │
3001_ZSC.ZIP (4K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌[Zippy Scanner & Locater v1]─┐
│ 100% Configurable Scanner   │
│ And File Searcher For PCB!  │
│ ■ Locate All Duplicate Zip■ │
│ ■ Files and DiZs With 100%■ │
│ ■ Ease... The BEST Zippy! ■ │
3001CM11.ZIP (4K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌[ Ultra Staff Comment v 1.1 ]┐
│  The Ultimate Replacement   │
│   'C' Command For 3oo1's!   │
│     Multiple Sysop Menu     │
│ ■  Light Bar Matrix Menu  ■ │
│ ■   100% Configuarable!   ■ │
│ ■ Contains USC v1 Update! ■ │
3001ENTR.ZIP (5K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌[Zoom Light Enter Prompt v1]─┐
│ PCBz Finest Floating Light  │
│ Source Prompt... PCB 15.2!  │
│ ■  Released By Popular    ■ │
│ ■ Demand... Perfection in ■ │
│ ■ A PPE! OH! PCBz Finest! ■ │
3001LBMS.ZIP (18K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌[ Light Bar Message Prompts ]┐
│   3oo1's Complete Lite Bar  │
│  Driven Interface For PCBz  │
│       Message System.       │
│ ■  100% Light Bar Driven  ■ │
│ ■ Replaces All Editor And ■ │
│ ■ Read Prompts With Bars! ■ │
3001MEND.ZIP (3K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌[ Message End Light Bar! v1 ]┐
│   Scrap The Ugly Internal   │
│    PCB "End Of Message:"    │
│  Prompt for 3oo1's matrix!  │
│ ■  Kill,Edit,Reply,Next,  ■ │
│ ■  And End Comands. PCBs  ■ │
│ ■ Best EoM prompt!  NICE! ■ │

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌─ [ ACDGMS v1.00 - Defcon 4 ] ───── [PCB] ─┐
│ GMS is a graphical message system ppe for │
│ PCB v15.2 that allows the sysop to add a  │
│ graphical, color message header.  Board   │
│          must NOT carry netmail.          │

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am



Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

A Disclaimer/NUP PPE Coded by Mr.Mox
Can leave a messy if someone don't
know your NUP!.

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

RLA 1.0 - Random LoginAnsi PPE


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

SkullWho Version 1.32
Simple 'WHO' replacement for
PCBoard 15.2+ systems. Not
real time, but quite efficient
Language & TB_Q_PPE aware...
AJOIN100.ZIP (11K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

-------------- AJoin 1.00 -------------
AJoin is an alternative to PCBoard's
Join conference command.  This PPE will
display your conferences with a sysop
defined description of each conference
or series of conferences.  It can also
be used with a PCBoard menu to provide
menued access to different message
networks.  FREEWARE!  Another Quality

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌──────ALLLIST.PPE v1.0────────┐
│ Add Alllist.PPE to your      │
│ main menu and give your      │
│ user easy access to download │
│ your allfiles list.          │
│ Compile PPLC 3.0   FREEWARE  │
│    Software Kitchen BBS      │
│       718-281-0645           │

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

AMi/X ALLTiME! v.3.0ß
Ami-Express Style AllTime PPE
N0TE!! Runs only on PCBoard 15.2+
Compiles  in a fraction of the time
other PPE's take.  Nice AMi/X Look,
Totally  Configurable Colors, Etc..
AMIW080.ZIP (10K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

AMi - W  v0.80
AREAS1_0.ZIP (34K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v1.0

AUCT101.ZIP (16K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Silent Auction v1.1 GO/4 Software PCBoard
Allows your users to buy and sell just·
about anything you can imagine, set bid
amounts, auction time and increment. Popular

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

AREUSURE Version 3.00 [PPE] - Prompts user if
he/she is sure that he/she wants to post the
message in the conference he/she is currently
in. Very good for boards with beginner users
or people who just don't pay attention. 
Requires PCBoard 15.21 or higher. Adds
support for Tokens

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

SYS-COMMENT v1.0 for PCB 15.2


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am


BDB100.ZIP (153K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

< Bulletin Board Database v1.00 - [PPE/EXE] >


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Anonymous Lastcaller 1.00 PPE

BLAB_056.ZIP (187K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

■ ▀▄▀▄█▄█▌▌ ≡ BOOMLAB v0.56  ≡ ▐▐█▄█▄▀▄ ▀ ■
COMPLETE Upload Processor for PcBoard.
Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER) 03/04/95
° Automated PPE to handle failed files
° Age test archive 5 different ways.
° ZAP all BBS ads even random ads using
filelist, CRC value, or text keywords.
° Supports 6 different virus scanners.
Can use 1, multiple, or all scanners!
° 32+ macros to add file stats to desc,
customize ZIP comment, PCBPASS, etc...
° Strip unwanted text fr
BLT300.ZIP (9K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

BLT.PPE Version 3.00 (BETA).
menu PPE.  Now with a PUBLIC
Bulletin feature.  Check it out!
ShareWare $10.00 Major BUG fix..

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌───────Pcboard Nested Bulletins───────┐
│  A .PPE allowing PCboard Sysops to   │
│  use  Nested Bulletins as featured   │
│  in  other BBS packages.   Easy to   │
│  install  using existing  bulletin   │
│  numbers.    Shareware!    24 hour   │
│  support on the Global Connection.   │
│■             508-534-4944           ■│
└────────────Global Software───────────┘

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Special Window Bulletin Display PPE.
Colorful Grafix display with internal
menu for up to 11 text file displays.
This is a clean looking PPE that has
to be seen to appreciate it!  And ..
It's Freeware from Daryl Stogner

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

CooL oNeLiNeR
BeST oNeLiNeR aRouND!
MaKeS LoG, CoLoRS,
MaCRoS aND MoRE...

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

PoST iF PRiVaTe, aND
BULL_110.ZIP (13K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

From Galahad Software.  This
PCBoard 15.21 PPE allows your
users to enter their own bulletins for
event notices, parties, birthdays, or
anything they'd like!  Users can
configure the text color, and SysOps can
configure the maximum amount of bulletins
they allow their users!  Only $5 registers!

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

│An ANSI/arrow key/menu bar │
│user interface to your BULL│
│ETINS. Many features and   │
│very configurable. Sysop   │
│configurable colors! Easy  │
│to install and a *MUST SEE*│

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

█▓▒░   CallMeBk  3.4   [PPS]  ░▒▓█
Callmebk Is A Very Simple Callback
Verification PPE For PCBoard 15.2.
Now Supports Local Only Or Local
And Long Distance Call Backs Modes.
Source Code Only All Rights Waived.
Public Domain---Written---01-19-95
CCML_100.ZIP (26K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

[MS]CCML v1.00:Custom Conference Menu Lister
▐│ [CCML.PPE]: Interactive CNFN Menu List │▌
▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
▐│ A .PPE to replace the Conference Menu. │▌
▐│ Dynamically create & allow interactive │▌
▐│ conference scrolling.  CONF *grouping* │▌
▐│ SELecting, remove MWFs and MORE!  [MS] │▌
CDA_11.ZIP (24K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

│   ***** CDACCESS PPE V1.1 *****    │
│ Allows access to CDs from the main │
│ board prompt without requiring any │
│ conferences be set up for the CDs! │
│ Generates DIR (Menus) "on the fly" │
│ Sysop configurable. Makes available│
│ all of PCB's file view, flag, file │
│ transfer, and search ("Z","L", etc)│
│ functions. No "compiled" databases │
│ and no maintance to mess with.     │
CDSEL_60.ZIP (33K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

CdSelect v6.0  PPE for PCboard V15.2
*    Access and Search up 999 Cdroms      *
*  Security Specific Conference searches. *
*   D/L On and Off-line Cdrom File List   *
*        Hard coded Help screens          *
*   Search File Names or Text Strings     *
*  Language, Security, Graphic specific.  *
*       Includes New Z & L PPe's          *
*       The BEST just got BETTER....      *
*   Galaxy BBS Software by: Al Massari    *
CEOM_301.ZIP (17K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

CEOM v3.01: A Custom End Of Message PPE.

CFDL_110.ZIP (27K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

[MS] CFDL v1.10:Custom File Directory Lister
▐│ [CFDL.PPE]: Interactive Directory List │▌
▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
▐│ A PPE to replace the "F" command. Will │▌
▐│ dynamically create & allow interactive │▌
▐│ scrolling of the file directories. Can │▌
▐│ group directories quickly & MORE! [MS] │▌
CFDS_201.ZIP (38K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

[MS] CFDS v2.01: Custom F_Directory Scanners
▐│ [CFDS-?.PPE]:File Directory Scanner(s) │▌
▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.21+ BBS │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
▐│ Color/Display Configurable  N and/or L │▌
▐│ and/or Z command replacements.  Multi- │▌
▐│ Conference scanning,User Save options, │▌
▐│ # of Days Back Scans & MUCH MORE! [MS] │▌

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

║ TimeCheck V .96ß                         ║
║ Do you need to allow a certain caller on ║
║ your BBS at a certain time? If the answer║
║ to that question is 'YES', you might want║
║ to take a look at this PPE program for   ║
║ PCBoard 15.2.  This program will adjust  ║
║ users times, execpt for the users that   ║
║ is allowed on during the time period.    ║
║ If you need further assistance you can   ║
║ contact me on our Support BBS at         ║
║ (708

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Split Screen Chat v0.58


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Conference Join v0.7


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Comment v0.6 -Dark Jester


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

CiA-EOM v0.6 End of Message for PCBOard


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Logon Enhancer v0.4


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Last Callers v1.3 [PPE]

CIS_HM10.ZIP (18K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

█           Hot Key Menu PPE v1.0         █
█ Hot key menu ppe! Replaces your current █
█ menu, and adds hot keys. Along with a   █
█ few kick ass menus, Configurable menus  █
█ and menu prompts! Check this shit out!  █
█ 01/26/95          Coded by:  Seleriquis █

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Multi Node Fix
CLCB_160.ZIP (26K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

[MS] CLCB v1.60: Custom Last Caller Bulletin
▐│ [CLCB.PPE] Custom Last Caller Bulletin │▌
▐│ Generator PPE for PCBoard v15.21 BBSs! │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
▐│ Colour and *DISPLAY* configurable last │▌
▐│ caller bulletin .PPE (Uses replacement │▌
▐│ codes).  Supports configurable running │▌
▐│ totals of board activity & MORE!  [MS] │▌

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

█▓▒░   CallMeBk  3.5   [PPE]  ░▒▓█
Callmebk Is A Very Simple Callback
Verification PPE For PCBoard 15.2.
Now Supports Local Only Or Local
And Long Distance Call Backs Modes.
Source Code Available On Request.
CLNP_110.ZIP (18K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

[MS] CLNP v1.10: A Custom Login Note Pad PPE
▐│ [CLNP.PPE]: A User-To-User NotePad PPE │▌
▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
▐│ Color/Display Configurable. Lets users │▌
▐│ write a  private  two line login note, │▌
▐│ displayed *only* to the recipient when │▌
▐│ they next login. Receipts & MORE! [MS] │▌

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

*********NEW UPDATE*******************
CNFN.PPE - this is basically the same
PPE that is used on Salt Air for their
conference join menu.  It will only
display the conferences the caller is
able to join.
Updated by Herbert Bushong to allow
for conference subsets to be chosen
and displayed by the caller.
Freeware/Public Domain Source included.

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

included. Edited slightly (CNFN.PPE) to
get the original to work properly with
RipGraphics. Graphic changes only!
Actual PPE process NOT TOUCHED!

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Accept Conference Configuration messages
just like those read by mail doors.
Make your PCBoard QWK act just like the
big boys!
Let your callers SELECT and DROP conferences
using offline controls from their mail
A fully Configurable PCBoard v15.21 PPE.
COBS_110.ZIP (32K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

[MS] COBS v1.10:Custom Online Banking System
▐│ [COBS.PPE]:  A Time and/or K-Byte Bank │▌
▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
▐│ A powerful & easy to use Time and / or │▌
▐│ KByte bank.  VERY *configurable* setup │▌
▐│ & display interface. Deposit, Withdraw │▌
▐│ and Gamble options & MUCH MORE! - [MS] │▌

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Jconf,PCB Ver of the Famous AMi/X jConf Util

CRAPS121.ZIP (20K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Crap Shoot! Ver 1.21 - by
Galahad Software. A PCBoard 15.2+
PPE that recreates the classic game
of craps, with a twist.  Features
Monthly and All-Time High Score
records, daily maintenance, and
more.  As always, only $5 registers!

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

│  └─ VεRSiON 1.0 ─┘  │
│ Weekly top uploader │
│ will receive 10%    │
│ of HiS pumped bytes │

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

CRaZy World - FTP List PPE
Nice little PPE to maintain an FTP List

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

versions 15.x.  This is a PPE program that
will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
numbers for play in the Connecticut Lottery.
Includes the Pick3, Pick4, Pick5 and Pick6
games.  Shareware from Hogard Software
Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.
CU_12.ZIP (18K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

█▓▒░           CallUp  v1.2           ░▒▓
Callback Verification PPE For PCBoard
15.2. Supports Local Only Or Local And
Long Distance Call Back, Updates User
Record Comment Field 2, Utilizes SysOp
Configurable Prompts/Screens, Sets
Expiry Date, Tracks Verified Numbers,
And Allows Number Lockout.  Try it!
CUFE_211.ZIP (52K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

[MS] CUFE v2.11: Custom User File Editor PPE
▐│ [CUFE.PPE]:  A Full Screen User Editor │▌
▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
▐│ Color configurable  Full Screen Online │▌
▐│ User Editor.Normal & SysOp Only modes. │▌
▐│ Full PSA Support.  Conf Flag Updating. │▌
▐│ *Powerful*, versatile and MORE! - [MS] │▌
CW_AP_39.ZIP (12K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

AutoPost v3.9 PCB v15.2 PPE to send BBS Ads

CW_BD_15.ZIP (18K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Birthday v1.5 Ask users for their D.O.B. and
when the user(s) log-on on their (or shortly
thereafter) birthday, it displays a birthday
greeting! Adds even more personality to your
system! PCBoard 15.2 PPE, Shareware, easy to
install, and fully functional, NOT-crippled!
Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
Now supports international dates (dd-mm-yy)!
Support is available on the Intelec Network!
CW_CM_58.ZIP (43K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

ConfMenu v5.8 The best J Cmd Replacement PPE
for PCB v15.2! Automatic!
Now supports conference name sorts!
CW_DM_18.ZIP (17K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

DoorMenu 1.8 PCBoard v15.2 PPE (v3.0) replace

CW_FM_17.ZIP (10K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

FileMenu v1.7 The best F Cmd Replacement PPE
for PCB v15.2! Automatic!
CW_HH_37.ZIP (15K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

HowHeard v3.7 New Caller Upgrade PPE for PCB
15.2! Handy PCBoard adjunct.
CW_IN_46.ZIP (55K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

IntelApp! v4.6 Intelec Network "Database and
Application" PPE! Freeware! For use with our
IN_yymm.ZIP & INB_yymm.ZIP information file!
Contains both the Application/Database PPEs!
Can also be used to display Intelec INBasket
"network newsletter" files! And now compiled
under PPLC v3.0, for PCBoard v15.2!! Intelec
is a Free, ACTIVE, Highest-Quality Network!!
If you're not a member, you're missing out!!
420+ Members, 12 Countries, 198 Conferences!
CW_MQ_36.ZIP (11K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

MsgQuest v3.6 PCBoard 15.2 Shareware PPE!

CW_RM_17.ZIP (23K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

RemindMe v1.7 PCB 15.2 Users enter their own
personal reminders!
CW_SP_46.ZIP (56K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

SubscriP 4.6 Complete Online Shopping Center
supporting credit cards, checks, COD & more!

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

This PPE will show
a lightbar to the
user, informing him
it's better to join
the comb.conf. when
he wants to perform
D2A130.ZIP (39K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

│░▒▓█      Dir.Lst ◄─► Ascii v1.30      █▓▒░│
│ This program will allow a sysop to take a │
│ DIR.LST and convert it to straight Ascii. │
│ The program will then convert it back to  │
│ the DIR.LST format.   Freeware!           │

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Sysop Pager which
has the possibility to
send a short line to
the user to state why
you don't want to chat.
For use with PCB15.1+.
SOURCE included.

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

DIDZIP1.ppe. A modification of VOC's
Zippy Reminder 2. Reminds a user to
do a ZIPPY Scan BEFORE ULing. A Banana
Republic PPE. Source included (as always).
By: Francis "gorilla" Amato. 1:2619/222.
516-242-4412. FREEWARE!

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

│An ANSI/arrow key/menu bar │
│user interface to your DIR │
│files. Many features and   │
│very configurable. Supports│
│up to 512 directories. Easy│
│to install and a *MUST SEE*│

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

DMSPPE1C - v.1.0c update to DMSPPE1B.
Collection #1 of custom prompts for PCBoard
v.15.1 & 15.2x. Features include lite-bar
prompts, online and context-sensitive help,
and support for GRAPH, ANSI, and CTTY modes.
This set contains:
- Multi-menu, scrolling End of Message
- More prompt
- Scan mail prompt
- New mail prompt
- replacement command line prompt

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

│ 15 PPE Randomizer - Useful ppe. The best │
│ one among the other randomizers. Now su- │
│ pports up to 15 ppes...■■■■■■■■■■■■ - DR │

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

│ UPLOAD SYSTEM v1.0 - Very nice 100% con- │
│ figurable PPE to replace old and shitty  │
│ [U] function in PCB prompt. Many useful  │
│ options included..PPLC 3.01..■■■■■■ - LU │

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Download Stats - PCBoard 15.0 PPE
File to show the user their
upload/download stats before
beginning a download.
DSLOT121.ZIP (23K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

DOLLAR SLOTS! Ver. 1.21 From Galahad
Software. A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+.
Dollar Slots Features a Progressive
Jackpot, Multiple Paylines, Monthly
& All-Time High Score Records, and more!
As usual, only $5 to register!

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

public release).  Examines a specified
range of conferences and reports number of
users registered, high message number, and
average LMR.  Helps you locate the dead
message areas.  PPE w/source, released to
public domain.  Requires PCBoard 15.1 or

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

E-BLT.PPE Ver 1.0
E-BLT.PPE Will Show your users their
FidoNet "NetMail" Address in 2 forms
1. Their Fido Node Address
2. Their Internet Address Thru Fido
Shows a Bulletin with their address
and a few examples on how to use it
Compiled PPLC ver 1.0 For Use on PCB
15.xx and newer.Source Code Included
1-22-94  @X0BMicro-Comp Software

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

*****Enhanced Conf Join 1.3*************
On-the-fly conference join menu display
which will only display conferences the
the caller is able to join. Allows for
conference subsets to be chosen and
displayed by the caller. Can also lock
out the display of blocks by security.
2 or 3 columns. Text searching.
Author: Herbert Bushong
Freeware/Public Domain

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

eName v1.01 is a PCBoard PPE (includes the
PPS source) which converts a user's name to
a legitimate email address.  Great for
welcoming a user to an Internet email
conference. Conforms to RFC1137 spec for
converting names into email names. ENAME.INI
allows for customizing colors, domain, and
more! FREEWARE, by Duke Engineering.  Call
Online Resource 619.793.8360 for latest.

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

╒════════ENTCOM1A.PPE v1.a═══════════╕
│ Replace the [C]omment to SysOp(s)  │
│ command. It's perfect for BBS with │
│ more than one sysop.  FREEWARE.    │
│ PPLC 3.10          PCBoard 15.21   │
│        Software Kitchen BBS        │
│ 718-281-0645      24 hours/7 days  │
EPH_210.ZIP (29K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

---- Enter PROMPT Enhancer v2.10ß -----
Fantastic animated prompts for PCBoards
Press ENTER to Continue prompt. Totally
configurable with up to nine  different
styles and colors. PCBoard PPE for 15.2
Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software
EZ5_01.ZIP (7K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

EZ5 LOTTO QUICK PICK v1.0 for PCBoard v15.x


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Fido Rules Poster v1.0 -  This is a PPE
to post rules in Echo Conferences during
weekly maintenance.  Sysops,  If you are
the moderator for a conference this is a
must for you!

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

AMi-X Fake WHO command 3 Nodes


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌─────FILELIST.PPE v1.0────────┐
│ Add FILELIST.PPE to your     │
│ main menu and give your      │
│ user easy access to download │
│ your allfiles list.          │
│ PPLC 3.1        PCBoard 15.21│
│    Software Kitchen BBS      │
│ 718-281-0645  24 hours/7 days│

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

SCaRFaCE Turbo Login PPE


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

FTPMAIL PPE v1.0: FTPMAIL for PCBoard 15.21
▐│ [FTPMAIL.PPE]: This program open the   │▌
▐│ oportunity to ALL PCBoard user's make  │▌
▐│ FTP to Internet File Server's.         │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
▐│ Design for work to PCBoard 15.2x, and  │▌
▐│ any BBS who work with email Server's   │▌
▐│ UUENCODE & UUDECODE. ## MSmac Software │▌

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Fortress Users Stats PPE


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Ultimate Time Gambler v3.1
A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+ which
will allow your users to gamble
on-line time by playing one of
the following 5 games:
1) Blackjack (21)
2) Craps (Casino Style)
3) Safe Cracker
4) Guess-the-Number
5) Dumb Luck (10 Different Odds)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

GES Call Back Verify Version 1.0 - A Fast
and Simple Verify PPE, Local and Long
Distance Call Back, Not Crippled, Checks for
Already Verified Number. Comes with a BRDM
Replacement Shell, Which Gives the User the
Choice of Verifying or Being Deleted if they
if They Refuse to Verify. Can run From Shell
or Stand Alone.
GGAMB102.ZIP (70K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

│      G A L A C T I C        │
│      G A M B L I N G        │
│  Version 1.02   04/14/95    │
│   The BEST online gambling  │
│ PCBOARD 15.2+ PPE available!│
│ ►Over 12 games!             │
│ ►Setup for time or points!  │
│ ►Max. User Time Enforcement │
│ ►Sysop (House) percent take │
│ ►Points Bulletin Generated  │
│ ►Many other features!       │

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Lightning Logon! v2.7 By AReS & Strider

GNX_NI15.ZIP (15K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Infoform v1.5 Coded By Crimson Tide]-

GNX_NU10.ZIP (24K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

AMi/X NeW! v.1.0á By BitStream/CK


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

The Grille Terbo Login v1.0a]-


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

[AmiExpress / Tempest Time PPE]-

GNX_TO10.ZIP (21K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

/X 0ff! v.1.0á Coded by BiT/Dr Dre


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Buckmaster Ham Call CDROM req.
Looks up amateur data from call sign.
Compiled w/PPLC 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2+

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

HORSES! v1.2 PCBoard 15.21 [PPE]. A day at
the races for your callers. Animated.

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Chat Pager for PCB

I_NET101.ZIP (6K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Easily send Internet mail using
your standard PCB Netmail conference.
To be used with PCBoard 15.21 and higher.
I-Net100 is a PCBoard PPE that can
be installed as a replacement for
entering a message in your netmail
conference. It will propmt the user
for the type of mail (Internet or
netmail) and format the required
To: fields accordingly.
** SHAREWARE $5.00 Registration **

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

PPE=>LoG oFF Matrix 0.2á


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

=> One-Liners 0.1á By P.K.

IZ_FL_10.ZIP (8K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

FLIST.PPE v1.00:    Allfiles List Creator
FList will create  an allfiles list based on
a set number of days.  FList is ran via your
your PCBoard  15.2+ EVENTS!   Base each list
on ANY number of days  from  ANY Conference.
Optional  placement of a  header  and footer
displays  on  each  list  that  is  created.
Completely SysOp configurable. No Brag Lines
for a Professional Look.     Download Today!
I n f i n
IZ_FS_21.ZIP (30K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

FScan v2.10:  User Log-on New File Scanner!
FScan will allow your users to View or Down-
load a List of New Files  as they log in  to
your PCBoard v15.21+ BBS.  Includes  a Files
List/Support Files download option.  Totally
SysOp configurable.  Multi-Language capable.
Professional and seamless Look. A Must Have!
MAJOR UPGRADE with many *new* features.   #1
From The Infinite Zone Software Collection
JCON117A.ZIP (29K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

▐ JCONF [PPE]  Automated Conference ▌
▐ Security Menu v1.17a for PCB 15.x ▌
▐ No need to look any further, the  ▌
▐ last conference menu you'll ever  ▌
▐ need is here!  JCONF is a high-   ▌
▐ security MATRIX conference menu   ▌
▐ that allows you to add passwords  ▌
▐ and security levels to conference ▌
▐ SHAREWARE - Registration only $10 ▌
▐ The MeltDown BBS (904)-745-1507   ▌

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Now put a stop to all the loser's that page
the mighty sysop, highly configurable and and
full ami/x style. sysop page utilty, check me
out now, great for every sysop with attitude!

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

The name is AMI-EDIT it is the best AM
I/X message editor clone out there, ch
eck it out now dude's you'll love it!
Easy to install. WHITE SANDS, 718
JM_0395.ZIP (661K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

JM_ Power Pack Series v1.0

JM_AC_12.ZIP (10K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Alias Changer v1.2 -- A program
which will allow you to get an
alias from a user if it doesn't
already exist in their record.
If one exists the user doesn't
even know it's running.  Some of
the features of this program are:
1.  Customizable prompts
2.  Number of trys to ask
3.  Logoff user if no alias?
4.  Screens 100% configurable
And best of all is it's price: FREE!
JM_AD_12.ZIP (90K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Advertisement Command Prompt Displayer v1.2
This is a complete replacement for PCBTEXT
line number 396. Features of this program
include: Command Prompt 100% user definable,
One or Two line Command Prompts, Upto 32,767
Advertisements, stops run-a-way ENTER keys,
100% Language Definable, Not crippled in any
way and best of all it's Fully 100% SysOp
Definable.  Enjoy.
JM_AL_13.ZIP (25K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Automatic Logoff v1.3  -- This program
will display to the user after
downloading files from your system and
having selected to Logoff after the
transfer will be displayed this graphical
menu to show them exactly how much time
is left. This PCBoard PPE requires
PCBoard v15.2 or higher to run.  Enjoy!
JM_BL_11.ZIP (46K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

BBS Lister v1.0 -- This is a complete
BBS listing door which will allow you
to easily add, download, edit, or view
BBS listings. 100% configurable as with
the style of the JM_ series of PPE's.
Multilingual, easy to install and no
maintenance is required. Very
customizable to suit your needs.
JM_CO_13.ZIP (22K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

System Operator Comment v1.3 -- This
program is a menu driven or hot-key
based comment to the System Operator
replacement. You may have upto 9 System
Operators in the menu, color,
multilingual and 100% customizable
program. FREEWARE from the author of
the JM_ series of PPE's.
JM_FM_20.ZIP (104K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

File Menu v2.0 -- Major revision. This
is truly the most complete file display
available. Some of the many features
include: Categorized/non-categorized
modes, multilingual operation, displays
number of files, bytes. If you've tried,
using or looking for the most powerful
FileMenu look no further for this is
your complete solution. This PPE product
is for PCBoard v15.21+
JM_GM_18.ZIP (24K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Graphics Mode v1.8 -- To make life for your
users easier we re-introduce the newly
redesigned and much more easy to use graphics
mode changing program. This replaces previous
versions by allowing a much more easy to use
user-interface, 100% multilingual aware, 100%
SysOp definable and extremely easy to use!
JM_IC_12.ZIP (64K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Interactive Chat v1.2ß -- A complete PCBoard
Multiline chat PPE. This is a simple
multiline chat replacement for PCBoard's CHAT
command with many features coming. This is
a must see for any multiline BBS where they
want to get there users chatting in a good
clean enviroment. Very SysOp definable.
Extensive action commands! Only $25.00 and
isn't crippled except for a small 5-6
second delay.
JM_MC_10.ZIP (17K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Message Count v1.0 -- This program will
create a bulletin file, which you
design and show your users how many
messages you have total on your system.
There are quite a few @macros@ you may
use with this program. Runs in your
nightly event and is 100% maintenance
free and SysOp definable. FREEWARE
JM_NA_12.ZIP (15K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Name Inputter v1.2 -- This program
will allow you to provide your users
with a more friendly login by making
thier names appear in Upper and Lower
case. This program is another quality
FREEWARE PPE from the creator of the
JM_ PPE PowerPack!
JM_ND_10.ZIP (25K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

National Debt Calculator v1.0 -- This
PCBoard PPE will calculate for you and
your users how much our government
owes, how quickly it grows and other
information you might not have known.
This is a JM_ Freeware PPE Product!
JM_NI_13.ZIP (16K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Name Inputter v1.2 -- This program
will allow you to provide your users
with a more friendly login by making
thier names appear in Upper and Lower
case. This program is another quality
FREEWARE PPE from the creator of the
JM_ PPE PowerPack!
JM_PI_12.ZIP (15K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Phone Inputter v1.2 -- This handy little
utility will allow you to make all of your
input be identical to each other. The program
will automatically add ()'s and the - for
each telephone number. SysOp defined bad
area codes, prefixes, suffixes, and entire
numbers. A must have program to stop users
from entering false information.
JM_RF_14.ZIP (20K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Resume Flaged v1.4 -- This PCBoard PPE
came about due to the fact of life that
users loose carrier. The program as all
of ours are 100% configurable,
multilingual and very easy to use. No
crippled delays as the others,
maintenance free for you and your users
will just love it. This has been tested
on our system for over a year now and
works perfectly! !!! Major Release !!!
JM_WC_12.ZIP (27K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

WhoCall v1.2 -- This is one of the many
PCB PPE's produced in the JM_ series of
PPE's. This program will calculate whos
called your system today and also create
a bulletin of whos called your system
yesterday, if you desire. This program
is 100% SysOp definable, multilingual
aware and super easy installation with
no crippled features. 100% seamless.

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Requests v1.0 PPE

LB_MSG_4.ZIP (15K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

PPE Version 4.21 of Message Read command. PCB


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

LiQUiD CHAT v1.1
Nice CHATTER, with pager, features cool
colors and all you need to splitchat!

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

OnLine Message PPE v3.33 ... Supports up to
200 Line Messages between Nodes! Totally

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

-X Style Message Enhancer v0.01 BETA

LNZ202.ZIP (7K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Ever wanted to use the L, N or Z to search
across all conferences?  Well, here's the
perfect PPE to do such a task. PCBoard

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

NewLogin Version 1.01 [PPE]
For PCBoard 15.2 and Higher
Extended New User Login Commands!
You have to see this!
- By DynaSOFT, Free Registration -
LOPBK500.ZIP (273K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

LoopBack v5.00 [PPE]  Call-Back verifier
for PCBoard v15.21.  Supports multi-lingual
prompts, user trashcans, number trashcans,
caller-ID searching, automated messages,
powerful ONLINE configuration, timetables,
file flagging, international support, call
back only mode, user upgrading, MUCH MORE!

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Lotto v1.0 for PCB v15.x A PPE to generate
Quick Pick numbers for play in most states

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

User Kickout v1.0 to free lines for sysops


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

BirTH v1.0 Birthday Utility for BBS sysops


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

::: Local Tagline v1.2 : PCBoard .PPE that
lets you use your taglines when logged on
locally. Fully configurable and FREE!!!!!!
Version 1.1 now has a scrollable pick list!
Another ingenious Sy Kopath production 
Updated for PCBoard 15.21..

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

-WhO V0.50‘ for PCB15.1+


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

│  MAILUUCP                 v1.1  │
│ NEW: For PCB V15.21             │
│  Allows your users to (E)nter   │
│ a message to the INTERNET via   │
│ FIDO's UUCP Gateway with just   │

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Make-m-wait PPE version 0.1
Put in your event batch file
such that your board will be
tied up while it's running.

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

┌──{ Patch file for PHRIKIT 2.2         )──┐
│ This file will fix the bug where the     │
│ multi menu system only displays the      │
│ "PHANTOM BBS", just copy this file in to │
│ your MULTI ppe dir and copy over the     │
│ orignal file.                            │
│PHANTOM PPE'S PHANTOM BBS (716)-366-3884  │

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

·──═  MDCScan v1.3  ═──·
The BEST New File Scanner for PCBoard!
Completely Configurable, nice ansi, easy
Installtion, FREE!, a wonderful PPE!
This will prompt your users during logon
to look at New Files since last CALLED!
············· Major·Update! ············

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Mighty Duck's FileViewer v2.1           
FileViewing PPE for PCBoard. Fully seemless
operation. No stupid pauses, no registration
(it's FREEWARE), and no nags.
Displays files in ZIP (only supports ZIP)
along the top of the screen. Checks file
integrity before tagging to download. Able to
retreive a file in zip for separate download.
Many more functions...  

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Mighty Duck's QNode v1.1                
QNode is a nodelist browser for QFront. Also
helps users to Enter msgs in your NetMail
Fully configurable. Includes source. FREEWARE
Version 1.2 will have REply function.
Mighty Duck is dedicated to giving PCBoard
SysOp's quality, FREE software...

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Mighty Duck's Mail Reader v1.2         
Uses menus to help users to read their mail.
Menus, prompts and all screens are TOTALLY
configurable, and are Security, Graphics and
Language aware.
FREEWARE: No delays, no nags, no disabled
functions.               MUST USE PKUNZIP -D
Dedicated to giving you FREE, quality
MEN_JN11.ZIP (15K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Norton Commander Conference Join v1.1b
The Join Conference you have been
waiting for a long time!
■ Divide your conf's in groups
■ 100% lightbar supported
■ Norton Commander look
■ Security level aware
■ Enter long group descriptions
■ Fast scrolling
ML100.ZIP (18K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

The Mailing List PPE - v1.00 for PCBoard


Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

News PPE v1.0 Display options for Sysops

MONI13.ZIP (26K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

UltraMoni - v1.3  - PCBMONI .PPE  replacement
for the busy  PCBoard Sysop.  User  definable
update and scroll interval.  View online user
record.  Update node info.  Full and  compact
display mode.   Fully functional.   Shareware
only $10.  Free BBS support.  NEW for v1.1  -
Support for  Caller Management  System (CMS).
New in v1.3 - Support for PCB 15.21.
This is a must try!!  Released 03/15/95.
MOVIE200.ZIP (44K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

Pepster's Movie Time Trivia 2.00
(including Time Bank 1.00)
The best PPE game written for
PCBoard 15.2 that includes a
time bank.  Allows users to
add to questionaire, Top Ten
bulletin, New Question
bulletin and automatic sysop
message informing him/her of a
new question.
MP_13.ZIP (9K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

█▓▒░          Msg-Pack  v1.3          ░▒▓
Msg-Pack v1.3 QWK Interface for PCBoard!
This PPE allows you to give your users an
easy to read, easy to understand, and
easy to move around in.  Features include
Select/Deselect conferences, Upload a REP
packet, download a QWK packet, & change
limits settings.  Future release will
include a help system as well.  Minor Bug
fix release.  Requires PCBoard v15.21+.
MPGS205.ZIP (74K)

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

MPGS.PPE v2.05 Shareware *RELEASE*
DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM
For PCBOARD v15.21 Only! - NOT Crippled!
Player Game Server via a multinode BBS using
APCi custom PassThrough cables or TRN custom
'Switch Cables'. A very nice, quick, and easy
to set up interface. 4 Player DooM is a Blast
Now Supports a full 16 nodes!
MPGS (c) Applied Personal Computing, In

Uploaded Wed Nov 22 2017 12:53 am

│ ZIPPY Scan Across Multiple Conferences   │
│ ▄██████▄ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ │
│ ██ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄▄  ██      ██▄▄▄██ ██   ██ │
│ ██ ██ ██  ▀▀▀▀██ ██      ██▀▀▀██ ██   ██ │
│ ██ ██ ██ ▀█████▀ ▀█████▀ ██   ██ ██   ██ │
│ ──────────────────────────────────────── │
│            Version 0.03 Beta             │
│   If You Run CDROMS You Need This PPE!   │
│            For PCBoard v15.21+           │