• Notes for WABF07 (Fatzcarraldo)

    From Matt Garvey@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.simpsons on Sun Feb 12 17:38:50 2017
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    Not bad. A little goofy at times but seems like a good normal episode. Incredibly short though, of course. (Couch gag was cute and a nice short-and-sweet one instead of the bloated ones we usually get now.)
    ...WSES and not KSES (as it probably would have been years ago)?
    Previous episode stuff
    8F06: 2001-inspired opening
    NABF20: "food blog" lyric in the hot dog song might be slight reference
    2F32: Very limited broadcast range (50, 23 feet)
    Bart appears to Homer as a Butterfinger. Lisa asks Nelson about the origin of his "haw haw" (the answer is not particularly meta).
    Check your repeats
    It's another dedication! Between execs and credits, a silent screen with a little caricature, below which reads
    for about 2-3 seconds. The rest of the credits don't take quite as long as they
    usually do, even with the Chinatown music, so they may have been compressed for
    this. I assume this will not appear ever again. I do guess, though, that the goofy Valentine's Day wishes in the clouds WILL.

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0