• simpsons nittee toonite attt booooinger king, knew epissodes four sprin

    From tha boooiiingeeeeeeeer@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.southpark,alt.food.fast-food on Sun Mar 11 07:13:38 2007
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    git heer earlee four march madniss, stay four familiee guy, kum bakk
    wednisday four south park nite


    Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0
  • From karl@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.southpark,alt.food.fast-food on Sun Mar 11 09:49:38 2007
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    "tha boooiiingeeeeeeeer" <spring@booooooooooooiiiiiiiingerking.com> wrote in message news:45f3e5e7$0$16268$88260bb3@free.teranews.com...

    [nothing really]

    I realize posting errant nonsense anonymously can give some people with the intellectual maturity of 4 year-old a bit of a thrill. [No insult intended
    to 4 year-olds] But even masking your identity don't you ever looked at
    what you've posted and feel embarrassed?

    Just wondering.

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0
  • From Quiet Desperation@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.southpark,alt.food.fast-food on Sun Mar 11 10:25:41 2007
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    In article <et11e7$bgf$1@news.datemas.de>,
    "karl" <kona-karl@hotmail.com> wrote:

    I realize posting errant nonsense anonymously can give some people with the intellectual maturity of 4 year-old a bit of a thrill. [No insult intended to 4 year-olds] But even masking your identity don't you ever looked at what you've posted and feel embarrassed?

    Just wondering.

    I think "boinger" is a renegade AI living out there on some spambot
    infested PC.

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0
  • From seon ferguson@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.southpark,alt.food.fast-food on Mon Mar 12 17:26:01 2007
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    Please, if you want to annoy us at least use spell check like I do.

    "tha boooiiingeeeeeeeer" <spring@booooooooooooiiiiiiiingerking.com> wrote in message news:45f3e5e7$0$16268$88260bb3@free.teranews.com...
    git heer earlee four march madniss, stay four familiee guy, kum bakk wednisday four south park nite


    Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0
  • From Tony Calguire@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.southpark,alt.food.fast-food on Mon Mar 12 06:47:52 2007
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    "karl" <kona-karl@hotmail.com> wrote in

    I realize posting errant nonsense anonymously can give some people
    with the intellectual maturity of 4 year-old a bit of a thrill. [No
    insult intended to 4 year-olds] But even masking your identity don't
    you ever looked at what you've posted and feel embarrassed?

    I love the boinger... he's from Minnesota, and he has hydeth! As far as trolls go, we could do a lot worse (and we often are subjected to a lot worse!). A little Usenet performance art is fun sometimes.

    (Guys, I said "a little", and "sometimes")

    Mr. Boinger, I'm very disappointed that you didn't offer any Grammy Nite or Oscar Nite specials. I was looking forward to seeing how you spelled the actors' and rappers' names.

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0