• Re: south park nite toonite att boooinger king, kneww originulepissode

    From Flip Wilson@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.southpark,alt.food.fast-food on Fri Mar 30 19:32:32 2007
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 07:36:18 -0500, me wrote:

    "Xino Kiner" <isalas79@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:130op8vi37j4891@news.supernews.com...

    hilliry vizits south park



    Dude, these posts are getting boring. You gotta be more creative than

    Kids! Say NO to drugs! :-)

    drugs are bad, mmkay? you shouldn't do drugs, mmkay?
    (and boinger is the poster child for that! :)

    I wonder why this guy doesn't use a consistent email address. You really
    should let people have the option of killfiling you, booger king.

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