• MESSENGER Data May Reveal the Remains of Mercury's Oldest Crust

    From baalke@1:2320/100 to sci.space.news on Fri Mar 18 22:47:40 2016
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    MESSENGER Mission News
    March 7, 2016

    MESSENGER Data May Reveal the Remains of Mercury's Oldest Crust

    Mercury's surface is unusually dark, an observation that until recently
    had planetary scientists mystified. But in a new study published today <http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2669> in Nature Geoscience, a team of researchers provides evidence that the darkening agent is carbon, a
    finding that offers important clues to the nature of the planet's
    original crust.

    Patrick Peplowski, a research scientist at the Johns Hopkins University
    Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, and lead author of
    the paper, explains that earlier measurements of the chemistry of
    Mercury's surface only added to this mystery because they indicated that Mercury's surface has low abundances of iron and titanium, important constituents of the most common darkening agents on the Moon and other
    silicate bodies.

    "A process of elimination led prior researchers to suggest that carbon
    may be the unidentified darkening agent, but we lacked proof," he said. "Spectral modeling of MESSENGER color imaging data suggested that weight-percent levels of carbon, likely in the form of graphite, would
    be required to darken Mercury's surface sufficiently. This level is
    unusually high, given that carbon is found at typical concentrations of
    only ~100 parts per million on the Moon, Earth and Mars."

    Whatever the darkening agent, the scientists surmised that it was most concentrated in Mercury's low-reflectance material (LRM), which
    generally appears as deposits excavated from depth by impact cratering.
    The researchers examined MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer measurements of
    LRM and surrounding materials, and they found that increases in
    low-energy neutrons are spatially correlated with LRM. Such increases
    require that the LRM have higher concentrations of an element that is inefficient at absorbing neutrons. Carbon is the only darkening agent
    suggested for Mercury that is also an inefficient neutron absorber.

    These measurements were possible only late in MESSENGER's second
    extended mission, when the spacecraft regularly passed within tens of kilometers of Mercury's surface -- a necessary condition to resolve LRM deposits with the Neutron Spectrometer. Prior measurements acquired at altitudes greater than 200 kilometers couldn't resolve such deposits.
    The data used to identify carbon included measurements taken just days
    before MESSENGER impacted Mercury in April 2015.

    "The global mapping of LRM shows that its source regions must typically
    lie deep within Mercury's crust, because the deposits are brought to the surface only by large impact craters," said coauthor Rachel Klima, a
    planetary geologist at APL who was instrumental in analyzing the
    multispectral image data to identify occurrences of LRM.

    Like Earth's Moon and the other inner planets, Mercury likely had a
    global magma ocean when it was young and the surface was very hot,
    according to Klima. "Experiments and modeling show that as this magma
    ocean cooled and minerals began to crystallize, minerals that solidified
    would all sink with the exception of graphite, which would have been
    buoyant and would have accumulated as the original crust of Mercury. We
    think that LRM may contain remnants of this primordial crust. If so, we
    may be observing the remains of Mercury's original,
    4.6-billion-year-old surface."

    These findings not only directly test hypotheses for how Mercury's
    earliest crust formed but also provide clues about the volatile
    composition of the material from which Mercury accreted, "which in turn
    tells us about the distribution of material in orbit about the Sun
    during solar system formation," Klima said.

    Planetary scientists said there are still many big questions to be
    answered. For one, what are the other minerals that make up Mercury's crust?

    "We have some ideas from elemental data from MESSENGER's X-Ray
    Spectrometer and Gamma-Ray Spectrometer, but because the surface is so
    low in iron we cannot use visible and near-infrared spectra to probe the mineralogical composition of surface materials in the way we normally do
    for other rocky bodies," Klima said.

    The nature of LRM remains an important area of study, Peplowski adds.
    "If we've really identified the remains of Mercury's original crust,
    then understanding its properties provides a means for understanding
    Mercury's earliest history."

    Additional coauthors on this paper include APL's David Lawrence, Carolyn
    Ernst, Brett Denevi, John Goldstein and Scott Murchie; Elizabeth Frank
    and Larry Nittler, of the Carnegie Institution of Washington; and
    MESSENGER Principal Investigator Sean Solomon, of the Lamont-Doherty
    Earth Observatory, Columbia University. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging)
    is a NASA-sponsored scientific investigation of the planet Mercury and
    the first space mission designed to orbit the planet closest to the Sun.
    The MESSENGER spacecraft was launched on August 3, 2004, and entered orbit about Mercury on March 17, 2011 (March 18, 2011 UTC), to begin a yearlong
    study of its target planet. MESSENGER's first extended mission began on
    March 18, 2012, and ended one year later. MESSENGER is now in a second
    extended mission, which is scheduled to conclude in March 2015. Dr. Sean
    C. Solomon, the Director of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, leads the mission as Principal Investigator. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory built and operates the MESSENGER spacecraft and manages this Discovery-class mission for NASA.

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