• [VOICENWS] Drivers: [Arca Noae] Updated Uniaud Driver Package Releas

    From feedback@os2voice.org@1:3634/1000 to All on Thu Jan 18 00:35:41 2018

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: webmeisterDESPAM@DESPAMarcanoae.com

    Arca Noae has posted a new item, 'Updated Uniaud Driver Package Released'

    Arca Noae is pleased to announce the immediate availability of an updated Uniaud Audio Driver Package for ArcaOS, OS/2, and eComStation. (Uniaud-20180117)

    This is a minor maintenance release that contains some fixes for Realtek mixer devices.

    This release of Uniaud32 also implements MSI support. MSI only works with the ACPI PSD version 3.23.04 or higher. It is [...]

    You may view the latest post here: https://www.arcanoae.com/uniaud-audio-driver-package-updated/

    We at Arca Noae would like to thank our development partners, bww bitwise works, GmbH and http://Netlabs.org for their continued contributions to the OS/2 platform. Monetary contributions to offset their operating costs may be made either through Arca Noae at https://www.arcanoae.com or bww bitwise works,
    GmbH at http://www.bitwiseworks.com.

    You received this email because you registered as a customer on our site. If you no longer wish to receive such messages, please reply to this email with the single line "UNSUBSCRIBE" and you will be unsubscribed from all future notifications.

    Best regards,
    Arca Noae

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