Re: Re: What Brings you Here?
By: Djatropine to DaiTengu on Sun Dec 24 2023 03:10 pm
Re: Re: What Brings you Here?
By: DaiTengu to Abraca-Daniel on Sun Dec 17 2023 08:29 am
I was in the Washington DC area earlier this month. I spent an afternoon at Adroit Theory - a metal themed brewery, home to some incredibly tasty beers.
When one spends this much time in a taproom sampling all that can be sampled, one must hit the restroom at some point. I was looking for a specific sign when I visited the head, and as I was washing my hands I found it. There on the corner of the mirror, was a sticker that read:
"Employees must carve 'Slayer' into their forarm before returning to work"
...Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat, though.