• Re: Travelling Salesman problem

    From nooneyeyeyeyeyeye@nooneyeyeyeyeyeye@aol.com to comp.programming on Mon Jun 19 18:43:50 2023
    From Newsgroup: comp.programming

    Why does the salesman have to travel, when he can sell everything from home ? On Friday, September 3, 1993 at 7:03:41 PM UTC+3, Tony Davie wrote:
    There was an article some time ago about feasible but not necessarily
    optimal solutions to the travelling salesman problem in, I think,
    Scientific American. Can anybody point me at it please?
    Tony Davie Department of Mathematical and Computational
    Tel: +44 334 63257 St.Andrews University
    Fax: +44 334 63278 North Haugh
    a...@dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk St.Andrews
    KY16 9SS
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