From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl
Hi Helmut!
Any help or idea will be greatly appreciated.
I tried to reproduce the erroneous behaviour using XOTcl 2.3 and Tcl
8.6.13 on macOS, but I failed, I am afraid.
Could you create a minimal, reproducible script?
What I tried:
puts [package req Tcl]
puts [package req XOTcl]
## setup
xotcl::Class Base -parameter {parent} \
-instproc init {canvas coordinates {mainDict ""}} {;}
xotcl::Class Line -parameter {{id 321}} -superclass Base
xotcl::Class Point -superclass Base -instproc init {args} {
puts $args
xotcl::Class LinePoint -superclass Point
proc ::bindC {args} {;}
## distilled
LinePoint instproc init {canvas {coords ""}} { next }
# ctor - coords are <x, y, starting widget>
Line instproc init {canvas coordLst {cName ""}} {
my instvar c cfg coords id
set c .cc
# call base class ctor
lassign $coordLst x y widgets
set tgt [self next]; puts "$tgt === [[lindex $tgt 0] info instargs [lindex $tgt 2]]"
next $canvas [list $x $y] ;#$cfg ;#$options
set coords {} ; set widgets {}
puts lb
# create first point
my newLinePoint $x $y
puts lc
bindC $c $id <Enter> {s::mkLargePointCurs $c}
# Create a new point
Line instproc newLinePoint {x y} {
my instvar c children coords
# set x [$c canvasx $x] ; set y [$c canvasy $y]
lappend children [LinePoint [LinePoint autoname Point%d] $c [list
$x $y] -parent [self]]
lappend coords $x $y
## main.tcl ?
::Line Line1 .mainFr.c {72 66 ::LEDBtn1} -parent ::C ---------------%<---------------
This produces:
::Base instproc init === canvas coordinates mainDict
.cc {72 66}
Could you add the following introspection line just before [next] is
called in your actual script?
set tgt [self next]; puts "$tgt === [[lindex $tgt 0] info instargs
[lindex $tgt 2]]"
Best, Stefan
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