From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl
Strided lists are a somewhat common feature in Tcl commands,
starting with foreach/lmap, lsort, ...
Recently it occurred to me that [lrange $list $first $last]
would be extensible to become more helpful for strided lists.
In essence, an optional 4th argument would be the $stride:
set list {a A 1 b B 2 c C 3 d D 4}
lrange $list 1 2 3
{b B 2 c C 3}
If not already obvious, the extra stride argument "pretends" that
there is an extra list level of each 3 elements,
{{a A 1} {b B 2} {c C 3} {d D 4}} on which the usual lrange
happens, and then the extra level "disappears".
In the simple "numeric" cases it would be essentially like:
proc lrange_s {l f t s} {
lrange $l [expr {$f*$s}] [expr {($t+1)*$s-1}]
} extra code for nonnumeric indices "end", "end-42", "40+2",...
and some special cases where [llength $list] is not an integral multiple
of the stride.
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