• Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [DoD Source -- ssshhhh Top Secret] Re: DumbQuestion is an A or AAAA record required?

    From Matus UHLAR - fantomas@uhlar@fantomas.sk to bind-users on Fri Jul 10 14:45:15 2020
    From Newsgroup: comp.protocols.dns.bind

    On 09.07.20 15:49, DeCaro, James John (Jim) CIV DISA FE (USA) via bind-users wrote:
    We have an application that queries reverse lookups on clients trying to
    access it in order to verify the client and its IP are legit and a part of the correct domain/acl.. So if the pointer record does not match, the
    client is rejected. I don't know if that is relevant in this case, but it provides an example.

    it's not relevant...

    Of course, there must be A or AAAA at the end, since all those NS, MX, CNAME records point to domain names, and chains need to end with A or AAAA, but
    the original question was whether the A record is needed at zone apex.

    Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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